Green Lab Replication Factories

Green Lab Replication Factories's image
Created: 2009-07-24 12:14
Institution: Department of Zoology
Editors' group: Editors group for "Department of Zoology".
Description: A collection of movies from the Green Lab showing replication factories in human cells.

Media items

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This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

3D replication factories


3D reconstruction of an MRC5 human fibroblast expressing cerulean-PCNA to mark the sites of DNA replication in the nucleus.

Collection: Green Lab Replication Factories

Institution: Department of Zoology

Created: Tue 28 Jul 2009

Live Replication Factories_01


Time lapse movie of a human cell going through S phase.

Collection: Green Lab Replication Factories

Institution: Department of Zoology

Created: Tue 28 Jul 2009

Live Replication Factories_02


Time lapse movie of a human cell going through S phase

Collection: Green Lab Replication Factories

Institution: Department of Zoology

Created: Tue 28 Jul 2009