Chemical Society

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Created: 2009-01-12 22:55
Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: Cambridge University Chemical Society is a student-run society that seeks to raise the profile of Chemistry both within the University, and beyond. Continuing a rich history of over 70 years’ of activity, CUChS aspires to provide a wide variety of engaging and topical lectures, exploring the important role of Chemistry in today’s society.

Media items

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This collection contains 2 media items.


Media items

A Small Problem? The Bioethics of Nanotechnology


Four speakers present their perspectives on nanotechnology, exploring the current technology and the bioethical issues surrounding future applications and developments.

Collection: Chemical Society

Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates

Created: Mon 12 Jan 2009

Will Feeding the World Kill the Planet?


Four speakers present their views on how we can feed the growing global population and whether available options will harm the planet. This explores the role of science in solving...

Collection: Chemical Society

Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates

Created: Mon 12 Jan 2009