CSaP annual conference 2018

CSaP annual conference 2018's image
Created: 2018-07-09 15:20
Institution: Judge Business School
Editors' group: Editors group for "Centre for Science and Policy"
Description: What is the significance of science to Government?

Patrick Vallance kicked off the Centre for Science and Policy’s Annual Conference with a keynote speech, just eleven weeks after starting his new role as the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser.

Dr Vallance made use of the occasion to set out his vision for a scientific civil service. Citing a white paper from 1945 with the title ‘a scientific civil service’, he showed how already in the post-war period there was a belief that scientists should have a bigger role to play in government. Nowadays this need is even larger, as the reach of science in our everyday lives and in the work of the government continues to grow.
Website: http://www.csap.cam.ac.uk/news/article-keynote-lecture-sir-patrick-vallance/

Media items

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This collection contains 5 media items.


Media items

Advanced manufacturing: the skills challenge


Becoming a world leader in Advanced Manufacturing is key to maintaining and increasing the UK's economic growth. The second session in CSaP's annual conference focussed on one of...

Collection: CSaP annual conference 2018

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Thu 19 Jul 2018

Data science and AI: policy opportunities and challenges


This panel highlights the potential opportunities provided by data science and AI, and how these might influence or aid future policymaking. The session was chaired by Hetan...

Collection: CSaP annual conference 2018

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Thu 19 Jul 2018

Public policy for behaviour chanage


The first session at CSaP's annual conference was chaired by Dr Helen Munn, Director of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and included world leading experts on behaviour change...

Collection: CSaP annual conference 2018

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Thu 19 Jul 2018

Uncertainty, communication and trust in a data-driven world


This session highlights the importance of effective communication to ensure trustworthiness, chaired by Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public...

Collection: CSaP annual conference 2018

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Thu 19 Jul 2018

What is the significance of science to Government? A lecture by Patrick Vallance


Dr Rob Doubleday, CSaP's Executive Director, introduces Dr Patrick Vallance, UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser, who delivered the keynote speech at CSaP's 2018 Annual...

Collection: CSaP annual conference 2018

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Thu 19 Jul 2018