Girton College Chapel Sermons; Resistance and Resilience

Girton College Chapel Sermons; Resistance and Resilience's image
Created: 2017-02-08 14:39
Institution: Girton College
Editors' group: Girton SMS Editors/Uploaders
Description: Lent 2017
“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness”. This proverb cited at the foundation of Amnesty International will
help us focus on the biblical themes of resistance and resilience, which seem all the more important in a time of
darkness, reaction and fear.

Media items

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This collection contains 2 media items.


Media items

Release and Recovery: The Nazareth Manifesto


Sunday 29 January: Choral Evensong
Speaker: The Chaplain
Title: Release and Recovery: The Nazareth Manifesto
Hymns (NEH): 415, 346 Psalm: 7:1-8
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah...

Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; Resistance and Resilience

Institution: Girton College

Created: Wed 8 Feb 2017

Resistance and Resilence


Sunday 22 January: Choral Evensong
Speaker: The Chaplain
Title: Resistance and Resilience
Hymns (NEH): 55, 64 Psalm: 27:1-12
Old Testament Reading: Daniel 3:4-18

Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; Resistance and Resilience

Institution: Girton College

Created: Wed 8 Feb 2017