Panton Discussions

Panton Discussions's image
Created: 2011-01-28 09:23
Institution: Department of Chemistry
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: During the summer of 2010, a series of three discussions were held in the Panton Arms pub in Cambridge. The themes of the discussions were around Open Data and Open Access, copyright, Creative Commons, and the Panton Principles, with a particular emphasis on scholarly scientific data.

Media items

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This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

Discussion 1: Richard Poynder, 24th Aug 2010


Richard is a freelance journalist who writes about information technology, telecommunications and intellectual property. He has particular interests in Open Access, e-Science,...

Collection: Panton Discussions

Institution: Department of Chemistry

Created: Mon 31 Jan 2011

Discussion 2: David Dobbs, 9th September 2010


David Dobbs writes on science, medicine and culture. He has contributed to a diversity of publications, including Scientific American, Slate magazine, Wired, Audubon, Atlantic...

Collection: Panton Discussions

Institution: Department of Chemistry

Created: Mon 31 Jan 2011

Discussion 3: Richard Grant, 13th September 2010


Richard Grant is a scientist and author of the blog “Confessions of a (former) Lab Rat”. He is Associate Editor and contributor to The Scientist/Faculty_of_1000. Richard is a...

Collection: Panton Discussions

Institution: Department of Chemistry

Created: Mon 31 Jan 2011