Ridley Hall

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Media items

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Media items

Adrian Chatfield: Free and Rooted


Adrian Chatfield introduces the Free and Rooted conference. Speaking from Philipians 2 he presents a radical image of the church as a self-emptying (kenotic) church. That is a...

Collection: Centre for Pioneer Learning

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Sat 5 Mar 2011

Adrian Chatfield: Free and Rooted Pt. 2


Adrian Chatfield speaks on the call of the church to be a church in crisis, called in every age to pioneer the Gospel and re-infect the world with worship of God. Adrian looks at...

Collection: Centre for Pioneer Learning

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Sat 5 Mar 2011

Adrian Chatfield: Judgement


Adrian Chatfield speaking at St Mary's Comberton on the subject of judgement.

Taking the theme of judgement from some of the "difficult words" of Jesus which speak of cutting...

Collection: Simeon Centre for Prayer and the Spiritual Life

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Fri 28 Jan 2011

Adrian Chatfield: The Imitation of Christ


Adrian Chatfield speaks on the Imitation of Christ. Speaking from John 13 Adrian focuses on following Jesus as the Christian's example; a work in progress that should not be a...

Collection: Simeon Centre for Prayer and the Spiritual Life

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Fri 21 Jan 2011

Adrian Chatfield: Treasures of Darkness Pt. 2


Adrian concludes the "Treasures of ..." series speaking on praying in the face of doubt. Covering issues such as our image of God and the need to see faith and doubt as companions...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 24 Feb 2011

Adrian Chatfield: Treasures of Light Pt. 1


Adrian Chatfield speaks on the spiritual gifts given at Pentecost. He draws attention to who it is that gives the church spiritual gifts. He looks at how it is that spiritual...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Wed 9 Feb 2011

Angela Tilby: The Trouble With Sin


Angela Tilby speaking on Evagrius, a fourth century hermit, and his writings on sin. Angela focuses on Evagrius' fascinating take on the nature of various sins, how they play into...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 12 May 2011

Bishop David Urquhart: Ten Years of Being a Bishop


Bishop David Urquhart (Birmingham) speaking on the work of a bishop and on his experience of being a bishop; followed by a question and answer session with Ridley ordinands.

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Tue 24 May 2011

Bishop Graham Cray: The Re-evangelisation of England


Bishop of Maidstone Graham Cray speaking on the re-evangelisation of England at a Ridley Hall College Lecture.

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Mon 14 Mar 2011

Bishop Richard Chartres: Leadership


Bishop of London Richard Chartres delivering the annual leadership lecture at Ridley Hall. After a brief overview of the changing face of leadership in the Church of England over...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 12 May 2011

Cathy Ross: Injustice and Lament


Dr Cathy Ross, John V Taylor Fellow in Missiology at Regents College Oxford, preaching a Lenten sermon on injustice and lament; and reflecting on what mission means in a world of...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Tue 24 May 2011

Cathy Ross: Missiology


Dr Cathy Ross, John V Taylor Fellow in Missiology at Regents College Oxford, giving an excellent and engaging college lecture on the shift in the centre of gravity of...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Tue 24 May 2011

Dave Male: Free and Rooted


Dave Male speaks on the interaction between church and culture at the CfPL leadership conference "Free and Rooted" (Nov 2010).

Collection: Centre for Pioneer Learning

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 3 Mar 2011

Eugene Peterson: Restoring Prayer


Eugene Peterson speaking from John 12:20-33 at the 2009 Restoring Prayer conference organised by the Simeon Centre for Prayer and the Spiritual Life.

Collection: Simeon Centre for Prayer and the Spiritual Life

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 6 Jan 2011

Gordon MacDonald: The things I wish I had learnt at theological college


Gordon MacDonald has been a pastor and author for over 40 years. He led Grace Chapel, Lexington, Massachusetts for many years, where he is now Pastor Emertius.Gordon has used his...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 24 Feb 2011

Jane Keiller and Adrian Chatfield: Treasures of Light Pt. 3


Adrian Chatfield and Jane Keiller in conversation for Pt. 3 of the Treasures of Light series. The title taken for the conversation was "Living Well, Dying Well", Adrian and Jane...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Sat 12 Feb 2011

Jane Keiller: Treasures of Darkness


In the fourth part of the Treasures series Jane Keiller looks at where we find God in the middle of personal crisis whether that be doubt, suffering, broken relationships or...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Wed 16 Feb 2011

Jane Keiller: Treasures of Light Pt. 2


Jane Keiller continues the series Treasures of Light. Jane starts with the story of her call to ordained ministry and goes on to look at examples of individuals, both in scripture...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 10 Feb 2011

Jürgen Moltmann: Do you understand what you are reading?


Jürgen Moltmann delivers the 2nd annual Moule Memorial Lecture (2009).

Taking his title from the encounter of Phillip with the Ethiopian Eunuch, Jürgen Moltmann puts this...

Collection: Moule Memorial Lectures

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Tue 1 Feb 2011

Mike Pilavachi: Reaching and Keeping Twenty Somethings


Soul Survivor leader Mike Pilavachi speaks on reaching and keeping 20 somethings in churches. He traces the history of Soul Survivor from its beginning as a cafe church through to...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Wed 16 Mar 2011

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